Rosenkranz Remarks

The Blog of Robert Rosenkranz

Debate Introduction: Where Should You Live, And Why?

by robertrosenkranz on January 14, 2015

Which state, red or blue, is better to reside in?  I introduced and framed the Intelligence Squared U.S. debate on this very topic, recorded live from Los Angeles, in partnership with the Philanthropy Roundtable.  Let’s take a closer look at the dichotomy between how you vote with your mouth and how you vote with your feet.


I really want to call a lot of attention to the language.  It was pretty deliberate. For a better future, live in a red state. So it’s not merely about which model of state governance is most in accordance with your policy preferences or predilections. It’s really about where you choose to live.

John Donvan: I’d like you all to welcome to the stage now Mr. Robert Rosenkranz. So Bob, very briefly, for those who don’t know yet, Intelligence Squared U.S., why you brought it here?

Robert Rosenkranz: Well, I thought the meta problem we have here in the American policy world is excessive polarization. The public discourse in this country really needed a form where people could listen to ideas that they disagree with.

John Donvan: And what’re your thoughts on today’s motion?

Robert Rosenkranz: Well today’s motion — I really want to call a lot of attention to the language. It was pretty deliberate. For a better future, live in a red state. So it’s not merely about which model of state governance is most in accordance with your policy preferences or predilections. It’s really about where you choose to live. And I mean I know countless people whose policy predilections would be blue state, but who choose to live in red states. And that dichotomy between how you vote with your mouth and how you vote with your feet is part of what should encourage people in the audience here to think twice.

John Donvan: The red state/blue state divide.  It’s a little bit artificial.  It’s a little bit oversimplified, but we know what we mean when we use the term.  So let’s have it out right now.  Yes or no to this statement:  “For a Better Future, Live in a Red State,” a debate from Intelligence Squared U.S.

Watch the full debate and learn more from Intelligence Squared U.S.

robertrosenkranzDebate Introduction: Where Should You Live, And Why?

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